Sphere 1 Sphere 2 Pyramid

Booking Platform: Effortless Scheduling and Secure Payments

Web App
New Zealand
4 months
Man hours
Desktop mockup Mobile mockup

Client and Business Goals


The client is a forward-thinking enterprise focused on streamlining appointment booking and payment processes for service providers. Their vision is to create an innovative platform that simplifies scheduling and financial transactions, catering to a broad spectrum of service-oriented businesses.

Business Goals:

  1. Develop a User-Friendly Booking Platform: To create an intuitive and efficient online system where service providers can effortlessly set up paid meetings.
  2. Seamless Integration of Payment Processing: Implementing a robust payment solution using Stripe API to facilitate secure and hassle-free transactions.
  3. Enhance Customer Engagement: Aimed at improving client-provider interactions by offering a streamlined booking experience.
  4. Expand Market Reach: Attract a wide range of service providers and users, thus expanding the client’s market presence and influence.



The client approached us with a concept but lacked concrete project specifications, wireframes, or a defined design pathway. This presented a unique challenge as the foundational elements of the project were not in place.

Key Challenges:

  1. Developing from Concept to Reality: Transforming a high-level idea into a fully functional digital solution without pre-defined guidelines or blueprints.
  2. Ensuring User-Centric Design: Crafting an intuitive user interface and experience from scratch, catering to diverse user demographics.
  3. Integrating Complex Payment Systems: Seamlessly incorporating Stripe API for payment processing, demanding high-level technical expertise and security considerations.
  4. Balancing Flexibility and Structure: Creating a platform flexible enough to cater to various service providers while maintaining a structured and consistent user experience.

The Solution


Approach and Development:

  1. In-Depth Requirement Gathering: Conducted extensive consultations with the client to crystalize their vision and objectives into a structured project plan.
  2. Customized Design Creation: Our team embarked on designing a bespoke user interface, prioritizing ease of use and aesthetic appeal, following iterative feedback sessions with the client.
  3. Robust Backend Integration: Developed a solid backend architecture, integrating Stripe API to ensure reliable and secure payment transactions.
  4. User Experience Optimization: Focused on creating an intuitive booking process, minimizing steps for both service providers and users, and enhancing overall user engagement.

Outcome: The end product was a sophisticated, user-friendly booking platform, deeply resonant with the client’s initial vision. It offered seamless appointment scheduling and payment functionalities, leading to increased user satisfaction and a significant enhancement in the client’s market positioning.


  • PHP


  • Laravel


  • HTML5


  • CSS3


  • Javascript



  • Stripe



Key features in the app

  • Authorization
  • Registration
  • Forgot password
  • Ability to create a meeting (+ paid features)
  • Stripe API for payments
  • Fee for a marketplace
  • 3 user profiles: client, service provider, admin
Key features Cube

CTA pyramid Orange
Yury Nemets

Have a strong idea? Let's discuss it!

Yury Nemets

Co-founder of Exore LTD