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Unlock the Full Potential of Your Real Estate Business with Custom-Built CRM Solutions

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Real Estate Business with Custom-Built CRM Solutions

4 Benefits of Custom-Built CRM for Real Estate Businesses

  • Quickfinder

    Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, a custom-built CRM is designed to meet the unique requirements of your real estate business

  • Quickfinder

    With a CRM system tailored to real estate, you can offer personalized services to your clients. Track individual client preferences, history, and communication

  • Quickfinder

    Automate and optimize daily tasks like property listings, client follow-ups, and transaction management. This reduces manual errors and saves time

  • Quickfinder

    Custom CRM systems can provide advanced analytics and reporting tailored to the real estate market. This enables you to make informed decisions based on real-time market trends

The Real Estate CRM Creation Journey:

  • 1

    Discovery & Consultation

    We start by diving into your unique real estate business challenges and needs. This initial phase includes in-depth consultations to understand your market dynamics, client relationship strategies, and specific technological requirements tailored for the real estate industry.

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    Design & Prototyping

    In this phase, we transform your specific requirements into a practical design. It involves the meticulous crafting of user interfaces, establishing intuitive user experiences, and creating detailed prototypes. These prototypes serve as a visual and functional blueprint of what the final CRM system will look and feel like, ensuring alignment with your expectations and needs.

  • 3

    Development & Integration

    Our expert team embarks on the core development process, where coding and customization take center stage to meet your specified criteria. During this stage, we integrate cutting-edge AI tools, real estate MLS (Multiple Listing Service) systems, and various APIs to enrich the CRM’s functionality, ensuring it is robust, versatile, and tailored to the real estate sector.

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    Testing & Quality Assurance

    Quality is paramount, and thus, our focus shifts to exhaustive testing of the CRM platform. We conduct multiple rounds of tests to eliminate bugs, verify data integrity, and ensure responsive performance across devices. Our rigorous quality assurance process guarantees that the CRM delivers an exceptional user experience and operates flawlessly.

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    Deployment & Support

    With the platform refined to perfection, we proceed to deployment, making your custom real estate CRM live and operational for your team and clients. However, our service doesn’t stop at deployment. We provide ongoing support, regular updates, and continuous optimizations to ensure that your CRM system remains cutting-edge, efficient, and perfectly aligned with the evolving needs of the real estate market.

CRM / Marketplace for real estate investment properties

Our client is a 12-year experienced real estate player in the European market. Our mission was to bridge the gap between real estate brokers and potential property investors by providing a one-stop platform that connects them both. Currently, there is no such solution available in the market that offers a comprehensive approach to property investment.

The app is nearly complete thanks to his guidance and introduction to the right developers for this job. We worked with a team of 4 but communication was made easy because I only need to have weekly meetings with Yury and he would transfer the information to the right developer. This surely took a load off my back.

 Cliff Vandeneynde
Cliff Vandeneynde
Founder of Brikk
Sphere Pyramid

🏠 Unlock the full potential of your real estate operations with custom-built CRM solutions